Thursday, 15 January 2015


Well a Happy New Year to you! It's been awhile hasn't it? I'd like to say I had a good reason for denying so much of my time to the blog, but I have no good excuse except for well, life. Life got in the way of me putting time into this beautifully personal space of mine, as it tends to do. But I am back & really, that's all that matters doesn't it? 

I can't wait to get back into posting my favourite fashions, styles, wants, instagrams & most of all INTERIORS. I have some good news about this coming soon (!!) 
But for now let's talk about New Years Resolutions.

Do you have any? 

This year, instead of giving myself some resolutions which I almost never stick to & quite honestly forget about within days of allocating them to myself, I have decided to give myself a word. 


This year, I want to think about things a little less & to live more in the moment, take risks & opportunities I might otherwise think too much about. I want to do what makes my heart happy, whatever that may be. 

So here's to living life a bit more spontaneously, a bit more freely, mixed in with a whole lot of happy's!