Thursday, 23 January 2014


Having not been on my personal Pinterest in over a month, last night I found myself scrolling through pages of goodness & the next thing I knew, two hours had passed! It was good to have a catch up in the fashion & design world- it seems I have been absent for far too long. I had so many different tabs open, skim reading as fast as I could, with my poor old Macbook struggling under all the information it began to heavily lag. Afterward, I felt incredibly inspired to design, study, travel & just experience all of life's great little oddities.

(Images via Est Magazine)
The home & studio of Emma Gale was one of my standout finds of the night (trust me, there were plenty!) I know these images are not new, but I just love the compositions & thought that has gone into the images. The vivid colour & artwork layered upon the white vertical paneling wall is just stunning & creates a really happy atmosphere I just know I would love hanging out in. Ahhh, you can't beat good design. Also, the art Emma creates is freakin' cool. Her love of colour is truly inspiring - talk about soul sistahs! Check it out here.