Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Now when I say 'DIY' I am using the term rather loosely in the fact there wasn't an awful lot for me to do!

Whilst out at our beach house over the long weekend, I came across this large clam shell. It had been kept outside, so had accumulated a large amount of growth & wear. But I could see past that, into the beautiful glossy white clam it had once been. 

The above two images show the clam after it had had a lot of scrubbing & a fair dunkin' in a bucket of bleach. That grime withheld quite steadily, believe me, but we got there in the end!

To return the clam to it's original (or shall we just say revamped?) state I simply spray painted her all white. The ridges and burrows show up really beautifully & are a true testimony to the raw beauty of nature. For awhile there I was determined to spray her all silver. Then black. Then pink. So white was decided. Honestly though, it could be painted any colour to match a room & make a truly breathtaking statement. Sometimes though, natural truly is best (wise words for the day.)